A video to celebrate together 25 the Convention on the Rights

On the occasion of the celebration of the 25 Years of the Convention on the Rights of the Child, us girls and children “Giannino Ancillotto” we gathered together to watch a video, Today we want to share in this blog page.

video_campiotti The’ tree is a symbol of growth, knowledge, memory and guardian of the rights .

20 November 2014: the Convention on the Rights of the Child makes 25 year old!

ART. 12: The child has the right to express their views whenever decisions are made concerning him and his opinion must be given due weight.
ART 13: The child has the right to freely say what they think, with the means they prefer.

Convention IT on the Rights of the Child (Convention on the Rigths of the Child), approved by the General Assembly of the United Nations 20 November 1989.

The participation CCRR in giving voice to these items: Thank Convention!!!

Informed citizens: What happens on Comet?


The Rosetta mission explained to children

Missione Rosetta

The probe was baptized Rosetta to remember Rosetta Stone, artifact of antiquity which reported the same text in three different languages, including the hieroglyph, which enabled Champollion to translate the ancient Egyptian language, hitherto remained incomprehensible. Similarly, the Rosetta probe acts as a link between meteorites, that scientists can study the Earth, and the solar system, that scientists can not personally visit, but that comets crossing continuously (Wikipedia).

The 12 NovemberPhilae (the lander, that is, a spacecraft designed to sit on a celestial body -in our case the comet) was launched towards the nucleus of the cometa. Lands at 17:03 Italian, after about 7 hour flight between the probe and the comet.

4 November 2014: know / commemorate / re-cor-giving


The 4 November 1918, l 'Italy get up on their feet after the disaster of Caporetto. Get up and won a war, the most appalling war that the world had until then seen. A war won against the Austro-Hungarian Empire that prevented the completion of the unification process began with the War of Independence in 1848 (RAI, The Big Story).

IV Novembre 1918

RI_COR_DARE: give back to the heart…the historical memory… RAI does it with a spot.

The toll of lives and destruction of the two Great Wars generaro has a strong desire for peace between the States of Europe, a common feeling that invokes: “No more war”, so as to receive, year 2012, the Nobel Prize for Peace .

Here's Alessandra Iron Speech, our mayor

Good Morning,
Today we are here not only to commemorate the victory of 96 years ago, at the end of the First World War, but also to remember that in this day Austria and Italy have signed a peace treaty.
On this day come to mind the boys were killed in the war and all the families left without their loved ones.
Victoria, Medal of Valor, proclaims victory, reconstruction, fallen bridge and victory are all words that have a deeper meaning behind: blood, mutilated, proclaims the defeat of human dignity, destruction, horror, widows, orphans, red waters of the Piave … are for us the most significant words.