Today, Monday 18 aprile, pm 20.15, at the Council Chamber Ca 'Manetti will be held Proclamation of the CCRR 2016-2018.

Nella seduta in plenaria avvenuta nella Sala Consiliare Ca’ Manetti il giorno venerdì 15 April, He was elected the new council of the CCRR. Here they are as they listen to the candidates for the roles of Mayor and Deputy Mayor.


Recall that Eraclea, with CCRR 2014-2016, has initiated the Conference of the Juntas of Eastern Veneto, offering the opportunity to compare the experiences of various CCRR. Participation becomes increasingly rich, ORGANIZATA and active.discorso_cinzia_al_CCRR


Erica, Giulia, Alessia, Ludovica, Thomas, Edward.

And now we tell you the evening of the proclamation.

Today there was the proclamation of the new CCRR citizenship of Eraclea.

At the beginning, Councillor for school fees, Renata Filippi did the salute to the CCRR and families.

Subsequently, The Mayor explained that it is important to this project, because we too guys can give our ideas and collaborate, with the City Council of the great.

Later he passed the word to the Teacher Sandra Costa, who made a speech on the importance of the project “CCRR”; then he presented the press office before calling, He gave us a notebook for notes.

This was followed by the speech of the school manager, Simona Da Re and ULSS Director, M. Filippi!

Of these two interventions struck us both (Manager and Director) They are pointing directly to the kids: “You are well dressed, manicured: We understand that you care a lot about this job of where your companions have invested…”; or “You guys have the luck to see the world, your city, the things, without all the filters we put us adults…”

After various interventions, Councillor Renata Filippi presented the commissioners with their commissions, delivering them “Charter of the Rights of’ adolescence.

He was appointed deputy mayor Alexis Stefanet.

Finally the Mayor Giorgio Talon, He appointed the new mayor of the boys, Cinzia Bozzetto, with the delivery of the tricolor flag.

All staff, It has been immortalized in a picture memory group.

Alessia Scapolan