World Day of Awareness on’ Autism. Per sentirci meno distanti

The next 2 aprile ricorrerà la GIORNATA MONDIALE DELLA CONSAPEVOLEZZA SULL’AUTISMO, promossa dall’ONU e quest’anno alla sua decima edizione. […].

Blue is the color chosen for “identification” the initiatives carried out by institutions and associations, and can be used to show solidarity and promote knowledge.

Every year, in fact, the most important monuments, or landmarks, in every part of the world, They are illuminated in blue: dal One World Trade Center di New York alle Cascate del Niagara.

Rimaniamo in contatto…

Millions in the world, and thousands in Italy, families that have to do with your life everyday with this disorder.

La ricerca continua…

Despite many studies, It is not yet known what causes the development of’ autismo 🙁

The data thus far by research products allow only speculate on’ generating the noise and, a whole, do not provide, at the moment, elements of certainty about the causes, that remain unknown” (MIUR, 2017).

What needs?

Competence, “awareness, collaboration and commitment of all – parents, students, teachers - for the definition and realization of the project of life”.

This means to be / do / build a COMMUNITY of citizens facing together the challenges of life,it.

14 March: PI Day GREEK! The logic in the foreground,it :-)


ll 14 May is the day of Pi grego (source: Endlessly777) ALL RIGHTS RESERVED © Copyright ANSA / Ansa

Today is Day of Pi greek, festivities devised in 1988 to celebrate as important as feared mathematical constant, which corresponds approximately to the number 3,14.


The date chosen for this event is inspired by the numbers that make up the pi greek, or the 3 (that corriponde March) and the 14 (which is equivalent to the day chosen).

In this link, a good book to deepen


Dream big Princess!

A nice video Disney per…

For every girl who grows their dreams by learning to believe in herself,it.

For every girl who dreams big there is a princess that proves that dreams can come true.