Hope for Aleppo

Russia and the United States concluded an agreement to extend the cessation of hostilities in Syria even to the province of Aleppo, and will coordinate to make it credible, strengthening the monitoring of the ceasefire (Source: The sun 24 Hours). A sign of hope for the many children and teens, innocent victims of the cruelty of war.

Aleppo e Amatrice sono due città simbolo di storie diverse, ma che in comune hanno dolore e distruzione…una coperta di macerie.


Not to forget…

Under a blanket of debris

Crolla Aleppo ... the sky above the earth collapses under Amatrice

Under a blanket of debris

Upset by a threat that is sudden and devastating from heaven

Upset by a threat that is sudden and devastating from the depths of the earth

Under a blanket of debris

Covering the rest of an eternal rest, waking dream and turn it into a nightmare

Under a blanket of debris

Calculated and decided by the perverse logic of war

And defined by the inherent logic of the Earth's crust

Under a blanket of debris

Woven under the eyes of a world that does not agree to peace justice

Woven under the eyes of a world that security does not coincide choices

Aleppo Amatrice: lives and memories under a blanket of debris

There is the human awakening for broken world

There is a concerted effort to a more human world.