Hello to all,
they are Jade, consigliera della Commissione Scuola. Oggi vi racconto di quanto stiamo facendo nel CCRR.
We decided to make a nice project proposed in the electoral programs: il FOOT.
I wonder now what is it.
- WHO DOES: are adults who volunteer, which means that they do something for other people, and without asking anything in return.
- WHAT IS: in the morning, i volontari passano per ogni casa dei bambini che hanno aderito a questa iniziativa e li portano a scuola, but, caution…. on foot!
- WHY IS: for the needs – there are children who have a mother who goes to work early or who have small brothers…But the important thing that needs to be said, is that the cars if they are in the garage and do not pollute the air!
- ACTIONS TO PROCEED: we contact our proposal to the Manager and asked to be able to distribute the flyers in the classes to see if, together with us, Also pupils of the various complexes want to collaborate to advance the idea of walking bus.
Thank you for listening!
Jade Florian