27 January 2017: Ri-Color-Dare. International Day of Remembrance

Essere cittadini vuol dire anche essere custodi della memoria: comprendere le azioni umane alla luce dei securities, dei principi e dei diritti fondamentali /inviolabili della persona.

La maestra Katia ci ha inviato un video che aiuta a riflettere. Let's watch it together!

The children's drawings after watching


Why do we celebrate the Day of Remembrance?

The 27 in January the Allied Forces liberated Auschwitz by the Germans. Beyond that gate, oltre la scritta "Arbeit Macht Frei" (Work makes you free), It appeared hell. And the world saw then for the first time up close what had happened, he met the extermination in all its rawness. Memorial Day is an act of recognition of this story: as if all, today, There affacciassimo gates of Auschwitz, to recognize the evil that has been.

What is Auschwitz?

Auschwitz is the German name of Oswiecin, a town in Poland. Which, from the mid 1940, It worked the biggest extermination camp of the terrible "German car" called "final solution of the Jewish problem". Auschwitz consisted of several fields – come Birkenau e Monowitz . There were gas chambers and crematoria, but also the barracks where the prisoners worked and suffered before being initiated to death. Jews arrived in freight trains and, sent down on "Judenrampe" or ramp of the Jews, They suffered an immediate selection, He is leading many of them to the "showers" (so the Nazis called the gas chambers). Only in Auschwitz nearly a half million Jews were killed.

Source: Adapted from an article by Elena Loewenthal
IMPORTANTE! Non perdete oggi l’appuntamento a Ca’ Manetti
Infine, advice filmic: Fanny trip, tratto da una storia vera, It has a difference from many Holocaust films produced so far: the protagonists are all children, living the hardest moment in the history of the twentieth century with great strength and courage (There is also the teaching dossier).