CCRR at work!

Here is a brief account of the activities of Friday CCRR 22/01/2015:

  • the junta ha scritto una lettera d’invito per un nuovo meeting between the CCRR Jesolo, Cavallino and Noventa di Piave; It was proposed date of 19 February 2015. Insieme saranno concordati luogo e ora dell’incontro;
  • TUTTE le Commissioni stanno collaborando all’orgnizzazione di una FEAST OF THE RIGHTS OF THE CHILD, scheduled for the afternoon of SUNDAY 28 February 2015;
  • the Commission Leisure has sent a letter to the Mayor for approval at the party;
  • la Commissione Sport ha pensato su come organizzare i tornei e la festa del 28 February 2016 (refreshment, awards, gadget…); poi ha scritto una lettera alla Dirigente Scolastica chiedendo la possibilità di usare le casacche della scuola durante i tornei della manifestazione e inviato un richiesta a Sindaco e Assessore degli adulti per una collaborazione per premi e gadget (per quanto riguarda il rinfresco saranno coinvolte le famiglie di alunni/ragazzi); Finally he prepared the invitation to the party, which will be advertised in the city and sent to all the classes of the.

Soon we will update you on the work of the other committees.

The Girls and Boys of the CCRR


Meeting CCR del Veneto

The PIDIDA VENETO – Coordination for dirittidell'Infanzia and adolescence – organizes the
9° conference childhood and adolescence:
to build a city amisura of girls and boys girls and boys
  • comparison operators, animators, teachers, parents,methods of active involvement of boys
  • comparing Advice Ragazzi del Veneto
Rosà – 5 March 2015
middle school auditorium IC "A.G.RONCALLI"
Via Mons.Filippi 7/9, Rosà (Vicenza)comunicare
Hours 10.30
– opening remarks
Hours 11.00
Contact information: 342 7218812 – amicidelvillaggio@g –
PIDIDA – 348 4931471 –
Download the flyer which

Solidarity Commission

We were present at the first meeting of the Solidarity Commission.

The members of the group followed the same method delegate committees prior-Sport and Environment:

  • have examined the proposals of the electoral programs,
  • were grouped according to the similarity,
  • were evaluated in terms of the feasibility ,
  • were compared to get to agree on three proposals which reflect.

Here are the three points of the program in the works:

  1. organize events to raise funds to help those in need. Homework: do a survey of what is already being done in Eraclea to avoid overlap;
  2. laboratory strengthening of Italian language for foreign students led by mothers and grandparents through activities Conversation (one hour per week in complexes where there is a need);
  3. organize collaborative efforts with guests of the house and Year Engagement with the House of Hospitality. Homework: do a survey of what has already been made to provide continuity and / or integrate with other proposals.

As a final point, the proposal to think of a event annually, that can put together more initiatives. It evaluates the idea of ​​organizing the’ establishment of the Festival of Children's Rights.

Andrea e Alessandro