6 March 2020: Elezioni di rinnovo CCRR – 4° Mandato

Siamo vicini alla data di rinnovo nel CCRR di Eraclea.

Le classi dell’Istituto hanno lavorato ai programmi e proposto le candidate e i candidati.

In this link è possibile rivedere che cosa significa far parte di un Istituto e di una città che ha scelto di sostenere un progetto di cittadinanza attiva importante qual è un Consiglio Comunale delle Ragazze e dei Ragazzi.

Nel Veneto queste realtà sono circa 80, ma sono in aumento, soprattutto in questi ultimi cinque anni, tanto che si è costituita la Conferenza delle Giunte dei CCRR del Veneto Orientale (costituita da 8 CCRR – Eraclea, San Donà di Piave, Musile di Piave, Noventa di Piave, Santo Stino di Livenza, Cavallino, Jesolo) e la Consulta Regionale della partecipazione dei ragazzi sul progetto Regionale #LAPAROLAIRAGAZZI.


La possibilità per i cittadini più giovani delle nostre città di far sentire la propria voce e trovare ascolto presso le istituzioni locali e regionali è un’opportunità che va ben spesa a favore del benessere della comunità.

Un impegno che può aiutare anche gli adulti a guardare i bisogni del territorio con lo sguardo dei bambini e dei ragazzi per città sempre più a misura di tutti, nessuno escluso!

Intanto un GRAZIE a tutti i ragazzi e le ragazzi del CCRR uscente che hanno continuato con passione a realizzare progetti e programmi orientati dagli OBIETTIVI 2030.


Buona scelta, ragazz!




16 March 2018: elezioni del 3° CCRR di Eraclea

They are all posted on the walls of the various schools i,,it,MUNICIPAL COUNCIL COUNCIL OF ERACLEA GIRLS AND BOYS AT HIS 3rd MANDATE,,it,Some criteria were followed to formulate the programs,,it,the proposals achievable in,,it,- proposals extensible to,,it,A great "IN BOCCA AL LUPO" to the candidates and to all / all the students of the,,it,design,,it,From the School Commission ..,,it,the volunteers pass through each house of the children who have joined this initiative and take them to school,,it,school commission,,it,feet,,la,assets with the use of material especially for recovery,,it,which can be directly inserted into other video programs anymore,,it,our article on the site,,it PROGRAMMI per il rinnovo del CONSIGLIO COMUNALE DELLE RAGAZZE E DEI RAGAZZI di ERACLEA AL SUO 3° MANDATO. Un vero esercizio di DEMOCRACY!

Per formulare i programmi sono stati seguiti alcuni criteri:

  • valutazione dei tempi: le proposte realizzabili in two years;

– idee Useful and Intelligent

– proposte estendibili a tutto il territorio di Eraclea

– proposte che siano orientate al common good

Below, le fasi che hanno guidato la la stesura del Programma nelle classi:

  • class discussion on the ideas that emerged
  • grouping of the proposals in the areas of competence
  • merging of ideas by similarity
  • analysis of the priorities of the proposals
  • final draft of the program
  • scelta e presentazione delle idee da parte dei candidati


VALUTARE, IDEARE, PROGETTARE (nuove proposte per il CCRR)

MANTENERE E MIGLIORARE (il lavoro svolto nei precedenti mandati)

MOTTO (vai al LINK)


minions finale


We remind everyone that the vote must be:


Un grande “IN BOCCA AL LUPO” ai candidati e a tutte/tutti gli alunni dell’Istituto Comprensivo De Amicis...

THANK YOU for the lively participation!!!

From primary school to Torre di Fine, Programs with ideas to propose to the new CCRR

That's programs and elected primary school “G. Marconi” Torre di Fine!torre_di_fine_elezioni (2)torre_di_fine_elezioni torre_di_fine_elezioni (7) torre_di_fine_elezioni (8) torre_di_fine_elezioni (9)torre_di_fine_elezioni (4)torre_di_fine_elezioni (3) torre_di_fine_elezioni (10) torre_di_fine_elezioni (11)

The classes of the Primary School Programs Fabio Filzi!

Hello Ragaz *

Ecco i Programmi, le candidate e i candidati of Ponte Crepaldo!

Elezioni_Ponte_Crepaldo (1) Elezioni_Ponte_Crepaldo (3) Elezioni_Ponte_Crepaldo (5) Elezioni_Ponte_Crepaldo (6) Elezioni_Ponte_Crepaldo (7) Elezioni_Ponte_Crepaldo (8) Elezioni_Ponte_Crepaldo (9) Elezioni_Ponte_Crepaldo (10) Elezioni_Ponte_Crepaldo (11) Elezioni_Ponte_Crepaldo (13) Elezioni_Ponte_Crepaldo (14) Elezioni_Ponte_Crepaldo (15) Elezioni_Ponte_Crepaldo (16) Elezioni_Ponte_Crepaldo (17) Elezioni_Ponte_Crepaldo (18) Elezioni_Ponte_Crepaldo (19) Elezioni_Ponte_Crepaldo (20) Elezioni_Ponte_Crepaldo (21) Elezioni_Ponte_Crepaldo

Waiting to publish election results, le voci dei candidati della “De Amicis”

Diary of aspiring representatives of the CCRR of Eraclea

From Primary School De Amicis ….



Salve, Gaia are Fiorindo, vivo a Ca’ Turcata, a small fraction of Eraclea, I attend the fifth class of the primary Eraclea. Practical riding because I really love the horses. I have many hobbies including: sing, dance, play, wear makeup, dress like a princess and then I like to pull out in front of my parents and brothers.

If I am elected Mayor of the City Council of the boys and girls of Eraclea, I'd like to be able to find places, asking for help to adults, to be used as an amphitheater where the children and not only can put on performances. Since I'm in fifth grade, with my friends I thought would be a good time establish all "the prom" for all the pupils in fifth and for all eighth grade students. It would be a nice memory of the school, mates to take with us.

It is seen that many come to school on foot I think with the help of some adults would be nice and helpful to make a walking bus for pupils who do not use the bus: I imagine a long line of children laughing and talking with friends they go to school. I would suggest to the mayor of adults to think about the creation of a communal pool, a skating rink, and a real amphitheater, maybe in the central square of Eraclea.

If I am elected, I will try to work with my advisors to complete these my projects.


If Fiorindo vote, happier you'll be!


Salve, my name is Lazarus Syria live in Eraclea, I 10 years old and in the fifth grade of primary school and. De Amicis of Eraclea. I have a few hobbies, but the ones I would like to recount: dance, sing, play and put myself in short sleeves in winter.

How often sports majorettes.

If I were elected mayor would do so at school:

  • He did the prom;
  • there were personal lockers,
  • he would organize the after school to do homework together, which it is much nicer!

Also I wish there was a chance to do different sports and is thought to make a communal pool for swimmers in the future, a track for cycling and one for hockey and skating boots

I think that would be appropriate in different villages there were places, small film club to view movies.

I think that I would recommend to the mayor of adults to bring new games in the park Eraclea.

With my advisors would organize:

  • of Eraclea tours to learn about its fractions;
  • Output in barge along the river Piave and go see the Venice lagoon.

If I promise I will be the mayor to listen to all proposals and then decide together what to prioritize.


Siria is a vote po’ you will change the world.


Emma are, I attend the fifth class in primary school Eraclea, Practical swimming and live in Eraclea.

I decided to run, as Mayor of the City Council of the boys and girls of Eraclea, because I would have ideas to improve Eraclea.


I propose to improve because of its state of disrepair park, You would need to put some new game and the rules that "punish" those who do not respect them like writing bad words about the games, affect the wooden parts, leave behind garbage, use the games so that there are not adequate.


It would be nice that even in the villages there were any for play areas where children can meet safely.


I propose activities to Sunday so that all children can also have fun in the bad days.

I would suggest that adults organize theme parties, sometimes, in the villages to enable the inhabitants of Eraclea to know.


I would also suggest to construct a building, a theater room where you can show off with the singing performances, dance and theater, or you can project movies.

If I am elected mayor, I will act responsibly and will fulfill with my advisers the projects that will be proposed to improve Eraclea.


My motto is: “Sì! Together we can, we realize our dreams "!


Good Morning, I have Giacomo 10 years old and in the fifth grade of primary school in Eraclea. I applied to be part of the Municipal Council of the boys and girls of Eraclea, because I have very clear ideas of what I would like there was at Heraclea for the kids and the kids.

With my "Peddy team" I would like to propose the construction of a hotel and charges ( a small contribution to contribute to the running costs) where in can enter all children.


We propose to set up within this structure, of themed rooms:

  • one for manual chores ,
  • one for the reading club ,
  • one for writing and drawing,
  • a theater, one for the cinema,
  • an after-school,
  • one for the art,
  • a joinery,
  • a for the exchange of figurines,
  • one for pastry shops and food,
  • out, a sports field and a space for the collection of newspapers.


Each end of the month there could be an exhibition of all the masterpieces made by children (after, if everyone takes them home ).

Ended the show there could be a screening of a film and paths made by children in the sports field (sometimes races).

Everything happens under the supervision of experienced instructors and no one will be excluded.

I promise to pay attention to the views of children and try to commit myself to listen to the proposals of others.

I am applying for improving Eraclea and propose many interesting ideas, not to make it deserted on Sundays and afternoons, and for it to become a place to be with friends.

All the money that will be collected will be used to maintain the structure and to pay the instructors.

7 March: protagonists emotions

The morning of today is special: Eraclea soon will for the first time a CCRR!!! Che gioia 🙂

I see journalists Office Communications of the CCRR; interviewed voters, scrutineers and candidates. I'm not in the list, but I'll do the scrutinizing . The maestro Roberto came to call me, Nicholas, Andrea and Veronica: you go to sign the cards . E VIA, VOTING BEGINS!!! Giorgia

Today I become elector, rather, I could also become ADVISER!!!

Soon you vote. They are SOO IN ANXIETY, I'd shaken like a blender …. Everything is ready: seat, the tellers (propossito to the scrutineers…there are my friends Giorgia and Nicholas ). My goodness!!! They are the 10 and a half, Now you recreation and then you vote!!!


Here I am, WOW, that emotion! Finally ho votato… it was beautiful!

I got my voter's card, I went to the polling station with wobbly legs; here the tellers have stamped; immediately after they are entered into “cabin” agitated and I voted ; out, I inserted the card in the box and went to prepare for English. And even with the voltage to the stars… pending the outcome of Monday. I think I have lived the best day of the year, oscillando the pur mixer a moto -pic…I believe that these two nights not dormirò!!!


In the role of Electric, I have a feeling large responsabile. Our program is “WORDS IN 3D“, because those words are written out of the sheet and become reality, otherwise, if there are only written, not worth anything! Da oggi per noi è più chiaro che ogni bambino è cittadino 🙂


Are ROTABUNDA! Days ago I presented my program, that focuses on the’ENVIRONMENT. I chose one slogan : Cycling happier 🙂 ; userermo for the flyers and posters in order to raise the awareness of the use of bicycles, which means motion-clean air-time to admire the scenery.

Here: I gave my vote: I felt GREAT because I know I did something important.
