This year is a special anniversary,,it,the words WITHOUT,,it,NON,,en,distancing,,it,SUSPENSION,,it,they are words that on the one hand weigh,,it,on the other they protect,,it,on the one hand they deprive,,it,on the one hand they argue,,it,They seem to subtract rights and instead protect the best interests of citizens and citizens through the application of that formidable ARTICLE,,it,the DUTY OF SOCIAL SOLIDARITY,,it,Then,,it,we celebrate the anniversary of the birth of the Italian Republic,,it: le parole SENZA ….NONDISTANZIAMENTO…SOSPENSIONE… si sono rivelate armi di difesa per contrastare la pandemia provocata dal Coronavirus. Abbiamo scoperto essere parole ambivalenti: da una parte pesano, dall’altra proteggono…da una parte privano, d’altra parte sostengono. Sembrano sottrarre diritti e invece tutelano il superiore interesse delle cittadine e dei cittadini attraverso l’applicazione di quel formidabile ARTICOLO 2 of the Constitution: il DOVERE DI SOLIDARIETÀ SOCIALE. Rispettandole, siamo usciti da una situazione grande sofferenza, di perdita, di rischio facendoci scoprire più uniti e più forti. Questa forza ora va applicata alla ripresa del nostro Paese, che ha bisogno dell’impegno di piccoli e grandi.

Allora festeggiamo l’Anniversario della nascita della Repubblica Italiana FAR AWAY but VERY CLOSE to the institutions that guarantee the principles,,it,rights and duties,,co,that make our representative Democracy a PARTICIPATION model in which everyone and everyone can and must do their part with passion and responsibility,,it,BELOW,,it,THE SPEECH OF THE PRESIDENT OF THE REPUBLIC SERGIO MATTARELLA,,it,YEARS OF THE ITALIAN REPUBLIC,,it, i diritti e i doveri…che fanno della nostra Democrazia rappresentativa un modello di PARTECIPAZIONE cui tutte e tutti possono e devono fare la propria parte con passione, coraggio e responsabilità.


Presto il CCRR si troverà in piattaforma a confrontarsi su come dare il proprio contributo in questo momento difficile e sfidante.

Voices from the class V Primary School De Amicis: SPEECHES OF CANDIDACY IN C.C.R.R. OF ERACLEA

I, Andrea Turetta, I would like to offer my project which consists in give the opportunity to play sports for all people.

This project is based on the play and divertimento and not about competitiveness as some adults claim from their children.

Why not agonism?

No competitive spirit because at our age you have to play for fun, stay together, participate and accept any outcome.

Perché non pensare solo a vincere?

Why is it wrong to think only about winning, it is best to get in the game and have fun!

I still have another point to offer: adjust the fountains and the streets of this city.

For the project "Play to Play" I thought of a day that will take place in patronage with the games and even tournaments for the disabled.

Votatemi, Andrea are in Class 5 ° A!



Film club and recreational afternoons ....

The film club is important because you are together, They learn new things and discuss about the movie.

I am a candidate because I want to help others and give the opportunity to the kids to spend the fairytale afternoons!

You will tell me that a film does not need to learn, it is best to do homework and study. Maybe for you to be together because only quarrels and discuss the movie is just a waste of time ....

But I say that watching a movie is instructive:

  • They meet new people;
  • You have emotions;
  • You learn new topics that the film offers;
  • Have fun.

Another thing that I propose and I promise to organize recreational activities are to do after school:

  • For socializing and recreation
  • Not to get bored and be able to joke
  • In order to play and discover new things.

We involve in our activities the boys of the welcome home and grandparents doing manual labor and games once.



Let your heart ....

What solidarity for us?

For us solidarity is helping people like us.

"The food should not be wasted!"So many great they tell us but how many we do seriously? In a few, let's face it .... I propose to commit ourselves and to try.

The school canteen, where we all eat, It goes to waste a lot of food that so many people would. commit ourselves, this "word" must play well in our heads.

We must make everyday word appreciating all that is food. For example, giving what is prepared at the table and advancing intact at the soup kitchen and if it is not possible to shelters: so that it is not wasted and thrown.

Solidarity is also dedicating our time to others. We can create a market to raise funds and give school supplies to those who can afford it.

Some candy for a few pencil!

Clothes, toys, books…. How many things we do not use? We happy few children with our gestures, giving him a better childhood.

"Why do I do this? – I wonder.

Because with our efforts we can change the story of many people!




Cari alunni e alunne della scuola Edmondo De Amicis vi volevo presentare il progetto “ambiente” , annunciandovi le mie proposte.

Le mie idee sono di rispettare l’ambiente di tutti. Ad esempio se lasciamo cadere i mozziconi di sigaretta, se buttiamo per terra le gomme da masticare e con loro molte altre cartacce, il nostro ambiente diventerà una pattumiera!

A casa vostra buttate le cartacce per terra? Not!

Buttate le gomme da masticare in giro? Non credo proprio!

Pitturate i muri di casa vostra? Not!

Allora perché farlo nell’ambiente di tutti? Mi impegnerò a portare avanti questo progetto.

Vorrei che tutti i bambini, qualche giorno alla settimana, venissero aiutati nei compiti per casa. Ci saranno a disposizione dei volontari: delle maestre.

Queste attività non saranno a pagamento e saranno aperte a tutti i bambini delle elementari che ne avranno bisogno.Mi impegnerò affinché venga attuata questa cosa.

Vorrei anche aiutare i bambini che vanno a scuola a piedi da soli, realizzando il pedibus.

Soprattutto per i bambini che vanno a scuola da soli, in modo tale da avere più security.

A questi progetti tengo molto e vorrei fossero realizzati.