Today we talk about… Commissions!

comm_9_magg_1_webFriday gathered the first two commissions: Sport and Environment.

Before meeting the group board, we wanted to read up with a quick search on the web to define the term "commission ". We report some “taste”…

Definition Committee:appointment, mandate: entrust, give someone a commission, an errand, commission someone to do something, do something on commission, according to a specific request: a craftsman who works on commission only.

comm_9_magg_2_webDefinition council: In the union of the fifties and sixties, elective group of employees of a company which was entrusted with the protection of the interests of the employees in front of the employer.

Definition council committee: the board committees comm_magg_03_webhave been designed to better organize the work of the City Council.

Each committee of jurisdiction relates to a department.

Then we went aa moving us to check Ca’ Manetti.

Irene Franzine:3 and Ilaria Giust 🙂 PAF;-)


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