Inclusions true, good and beautiful!

Citizens will become even participating in initiatives who muster the imagination, collaboration, participation in a joint venture.

Keywords: design, design, choose, achieve, share.

We explain the title: inclusions true, because it is a true experience of participation; good, for the goodness of the natural materials used and the initiative; beautiful, because they are beautiful to look at and what they represent;-)

All works created by the various schools that participated will form a great work overall. A fine example of “collective creativity”!!!lab_kids

The work was carried out in “94 hands“, in the school garden, where classes have worked, a shift in the composition.

Were used materials brought from us pupils: stones, shingle, sand, ghiaino, lands of various types, sawdust, tuttoli di more, remains of branches by pruning season, dandelion flowers and daisies (these crops in the garden during the activity). The interosservazione did reflect on the work…

  • on the importance of following chorus a project in which each bring their own contribution;
  • the beauty created by combinations of different materials, only included in the set, create harmony.composizione_stretti_(web3) composizione_stretti_eraclea (web1) composizione_stretti_eraclea (web_2) composizione_stretti_eraclea (web4)Pupils AND PRIMARY SCHOOL PUPILS “Giovanni Ancillotto”


Lesson of Legality. A morning at school with the Guardia di Finanza

Friday 13 March 2015, we children of the fifth class with the pupils of the fourth we attended a lecture on "economic law", held by the Guardia di Finanza at our school.
During the meeting, we realized that if everyone respects the rules established by the Constitution, or if all pay taxes, everyone can enjoy more efficient services: Best Hospitals, schools, stadiums, greater investment in public works, ...
Article n. 53 of the Constitution, it is written that
..... all citizens should contribute to the costs of the state according to their economic.
One of the tasks of this police force is precisely to enforce the duty to give substance to the rights.
The Guardia di Finanza was born in 1774, its symbol is a griffin, a mythological animal half lion and half eagle; because of its features the griffin is strong both on land, both in the air, as is the Guardia di Finanza who owns fleets of aircraft and ships completely independent by the Italian army.
The main functions of the guard of Finance are four:
financial, Economic,Judicial, security.
The Guardia di Finanza has the task of :

  • countering tax evasion
  • prevent fraud and waste (ensure that public money is used transparently and efficiently)
  • fight corruption
  • combat money laundering
  • combat counterfeiting (il falso made in Italy)
  • fight against trafficking (road, weaponry, protected animals, living things,...)

There is also a department that deals with computer-related fraud, which has operational headquarters in Rome.
The Guardia di Finanza, in his work, is aided by dogs trained to find drugs or money hidden.
During the meeting it was possible to put several questions that have allowed us to understand that each of us with a correct behavior may contribute to respect for legality.
We must be careful, for example, when we buy toys that have the EEC mark; pay attention to the notes carefully observing the image, feel the texture of the paper, feel the digit to verify the roughness, verify that the silver band appears the figure of the banknote. We were also warned to be wary of people who do not know, who approach us and show caring and available: notify an adult immediately because you can not know the true intentions of this person. We also understood that when a guy commits minor offenses, the parents are responsible.
From the conversation we also learned how you can become part of this body and that only by 2000 were admitted even women.
In conclusion, we realized that the Guardia di Finanza is a police force to serve the whole community of citizens for a country that bases its values ​​Nellla democracy, in justice and honesty.

Boys and girls of the fifth class

School “Giannino Ancillotto”

L'event 20 March 2015: Eclipse of the Sun

Today the most important astronomical event 2015 : Eclipse of the Sun.
To the north the show will be better: exceed 65% dimming.
All ready to 10.45.
Here the instructions to watch without getting hurt.

For other curiosities, click on the image;-)



The 5 March to Rosà ( Vicenza) was held on 9° conference Childhood and Adolescent, with the aim to "build a city on a girls and children , Girls and boys”

L'event, organized by PIDIDA VENETO, saw the participation of educators- facilitators and representatives of some guys 5 JRC Veneto, who were the real stars!

Coordinati dal dottor Lorenzo Bocchese ( PIDIDA Veneto) and by Dr. Anna Jimma (Comitato regionale UNICEF del Veneto), noi ragazzi e ragazze abbiamo potuto confrontarci e dire la nostra riguardo alla PARTECIPAZIONE.

Here is the question with which we began:
«Cosa vuol dire per voi ragazzi “partecipare” in generale e in quali luoghi potete “alzare la mano” e dire la vostra?».
Il dottor Lorenzo, con la sua introduzione, è stato capace di metterci a nostro agio e di creare fin da subito un clima di confronto molto attivo.
Da questo primo momento ci siamo portati a casa tre piccoli ma preziosi suggerimenti:

  1. Quando si parla, è importante dire ciò che c’è ed evitare di dire quello che non c’è: se devo, for example, dire che una persona è bassa non serve dire “non è alta”.
  2. Quando si lavora in“partecipazione”, si deve stare attenti al tempo.
  3. È fondamentale ascoltare gli interventi degli altri per decidere che cosa tenere e cosa lasciar andare.

C’è stata poi la presentazione dei rappresentanti: le ragazze e i ragazzi del CCR di Galliera Veneta (PD), di Noventa di Piave (And), of Rosa (We), Cavallino-Treporti (And), and Eraclea (And). Subito dopo, without really losing a minute, siamo stati suddivisi in cinque gruppi eterogenei per provenienza; a tutti è stato consegnato un documento di sintesi, redatto dal Garante nazionale dell’Infanzia in Italia assieme ad alcuni rappresentanti delle associazioni per i diritti dei fanciulli. Ciascun gruppo ha poi ricevuto un documento diverso sul tema della partecipazione:
Partecipazione come concetto generale.
• Partecipazione con gli enti locali/le istituzioni.
• Partecipazione in famiglia.
• Partecipazione nella scuola.
• Partecipazione nell’associazionismo.
A ogni gruppo spettava il compito di leggere il documento, fare alcune considerazioni personali e formulare degli interrogativi da condividere e discutere tra i componenti.
We report observations of Vania, our deputy who was with the representation of Eraclea:
«I gruppi hanno lavorato in modo davvero costruttivo e al momento di condividere il proprio lavoro con gli altri hanno saputo collocare il concetto di “partecipazione” nel contesto specifico, sapendo focalizzare, per ciascun ambito, the questions clear ».
In short, it generated a lively confrontation and proactive, dal quale è emersa la proposta che, localmente, in ogni CCR sia organizzato un momento di confronto simile a quello della giornata, così anche gli altri ragazzi avranno la possibilità di confrontarsi e di dire la loro. Quanto uscirà dai diversi CCR sarà poi condiviso nell’incontro ipotizzato per il 19 May 2015 in Rovigo.
Ecco alcuni interrogativi su cui ci confronteremo:
In what areas we heard less?
• Quando, where and from whom I feel considered / to more?
• Quale ostacolo sento nel dialogare con i miei genitori con soddisfazione?
• Cosa possiamo fare per sgretolare le paure di non essere capiti dai nostri genitori?
• A volte, in the eyes of our parents, our demands seem superficial, but for us they are not: how can we do understand?
• Come possiamo coinvolgere i ragazzi disabili nelle attività nel sociale?
• Quali sono i progetti dove possiamo partecipare nel sociale?
Il dottor Lorenzo, che a ogni intervento ringraziava ciascuno per aver scelto di condividere il proprio pensiero, ha concluso con una raccomandazione diretta a tutti noi, ragazze e ragazzi:

« Se volete essere ascoltati, fatevi prima un’idea di quello che volete dire!».

Alessio Giachetto, vice-mayor of CCRR Eraclea

AAA Teachers Wanted volunteers for activities Afterschool

The Commission Leisure organizes the activity of afterschool for girls and boys of secondary school 1, two days a week, from 15 to 17.30, a Eraclea.

The disciplines will: Italian, mathematics, English and German.

For the pupils and students of the third classes, support is planned for the’organization of the essay exam.

The committee members have launched an appeal to provide this service: teachers need to be made available even for just one hour a week.
To contribute, call 366 67817250.Thank you as of now the teachers and teachers who welcome our appeal:-)

Help us spread the initiative! Thank You!!!