Giornata Mondiale dei Diritti dell’Infanzia e dell’Adolescenza

Giving voice to those who have none,,it,All out,,it,looking at the sky,,it,the space we have in common,,it,with the same characteristics,,it,barrier,,it,with the same idea of ​​freedom,,it,of promise,,it,of dreams and hope,,it,There we synchronize at the same time,,it,At,,it,We do a little video that staged the entusuiamo of children and adolescents,,it,Before,,it,But,,ca,watch this video together,,it,KEYWORD,,it,coralità,,it,World Day of the Rights,,it…

The 20 November 2017, in occasione della Giornata dei Diritti dell’Infanzia e dell’Adolescenza, l’invito a uscire, a mostrarsi… Tutti fuori, a guardare il cielo, lo spazio che ci accomuna, con le stesse caratteristiche, senza barriere, senza divisioni, la naturale varietà, la bellezza, con la stessa idea di libertà, di promessa, di sogni e di speranza.

Ci sincronizziamo alla stessa ora? Alle ore 12:00? Facciamo un piccolo video che messa in scena l’entusuiamo di bambini e adolescenti?

Prima, però, guardiamo questo video insieme.


And now two links where you give your legs and arms to rights,,it,contributing to reflect,,it,and collect a big challenge,,it,join and unite motives,,it,creativity and commitment to achieving the,,it,sustainable development goals,,it, contribuendo a riflettere, e raccogliere una grande sfida: unirsi e unire motivazioni,skills, creatività e impegno per realizzare gli obiettivi di sviluppo sostenibile:

video 1

video 2

Festa della Liberazione. 72 anni di Libertà e Democrazia

The 25 April, Festa della Liberazione, è una festa di unità nazionale. Questa data rappresenta l’avvio di un’epoca nuova per il nostro Paese, che trova stabilità e nuovi valori di pace e democrazia dopo una dittatura e una terribile guerra.

È anche occasione per indossare nuovi occhiali per guardare le risorse e i bisogni delle nostre città, del nostro Paese, per rinnovare l’impegno a ideare e realizzare insieme – bambini, giovani e adulti – progetti e iniziative per contribuire al miglioramento dell’Italia, a partire dalla nostra “piccola-grande” comunità. Il rispetto delle regole tutela le libertà di ognuno, rende stabile il progetto di libertà che i nostri nonni e bisnonni hanno stabilito.

Oggi ci è stato ricordato che la liberazione è un disegno di amore, una buona notizia che ogni giorno va testimoniata, in riconoscenza a chi ci ha regalato i valori di libertà e giustizia.

Così oggi, come ogni anno, noi ragazze e ragazzi del CCRR siamo stati presenti alla celebrazione che si è svolta in Chiesa e in Piazza Garibaldi a Eraclea alle ore 9:00. The 30 aprile un momento di celebrazione si terrà a Stretti, presso il Monumento ai Caduti, sempre alle ore 9:00.

Di seguito il discorso del Sindaco del CCRR Cinzia Bozzetto:discorso-cinzia2017


20 November: Giornata dei Diritti dell’Infanzia e dell’Adolescenza. The right to express themselves and be heard,it.

The Convention on the Rights of Childhood and Adolescence. With the right of expression girls, bambini, girls and boys have the right and the responsibility of the I CAN SAY… dell’IO POSSO NARRARE…

It is a recognition that comes from afar and induces us to remember the civilization of ancient Greece that, from what we know so far, first he emphasized the word as a conscious manifestation of logos (of thought), for which the people can express your consent or disagreement.

The word, in the dialogues, It was also the heart of the play. "Just as the heroes of the Greek tragedies, through "the’I can say"The subject speaks to others of his action, and others recognize it able to say ' (Ricoeur, 2005, p. 113).

It is precisely the mask that characterized the characters - "prosopon,"Voice resounding" - which derives the term "person", he / she who has voice to say and to be heard, He voiced to assert their rights: is the manifestation of that '' l 'I can say"The rights guaranteed by the Convention and the Constitution.


The mask, made of wood and worn by actors wore on stage political or moral issues on which they wanted to make us think the people, It had the function of making viewers distinguishable facial features of the characters and to sound the voice for easy listening.

Speak and be heard…

  • "Everyone has the right to freely express their thoughts in speech, writing or any other means of communication '. (Cost.27-12-1947. Part one: art.21).
  • "States Parties shall assure to the child who is capable of discernment the right to freely express his opinion on any matter affecting the child, the views of the child being given due consideration, taking into account her age and degree of maturity. To this end, is the opportunity to be heard shall in particular be to the child [...]» (UN Convention on the Rights, 1989, art. 12).

The classes of the Primary School Programs Fabio Filzi!

Hello Ragaz *

Ecco i Programmi, le candidate e i candidati of Ponte Crepaldo!

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2^ Feast of Boys and Girls of Eraclea

Sunday 28 February 2016, It will be held the 2nd festival of the Boys and Girls of Eraclea.

Per MEET, SHARE, fun.


the church patronage of Eraclea, via F.lli Bandiera, 5.


  • meeting at 15, 30.
  • tournaments (ping pong, board games, football 5, table football…).
  • Projection pictures of the trip to Rome.
  • convivial moment (are welcome cakes, desserts, pretzels, chips and drinks ).

N.B. The bad weather will not stop us: in case of rain, the games will be held within the premises of the Foundation,it. We wait!!!!

Take part…This infinite

To this link find the online consultation that comes from PIDIDA National.
If you see a sense, We ask you to fill out the questionnaire and pass it to your friends by 13 November.
This is the consultation agreed with the National Ombudsman that our representatives at 3 days of the 24-25-26 November in Rome will contribute to present Guarantor National Childhood and adolescence.
More girls and boys we can involve, better.

20 November 2014: the Convention on the Rights of the Child makes 25 year old!

ART. 12: The child has the right to express their views whenever decisions are made concerning him and his opinion must be given due weight.
ART 13: The child has the right to freely say what they think, with the means they prefer.

Convention IT on the Rights of the Child (Convention on the Rigths of the Child), approved by the General Assembly of the United Nations 20 November 1989.

The participation CCRR in giving voice to these items: Thank Convention!!!

12 June: World Day to remember the many children exploited

Here's a great video with which the Liceo classico R. Franchetti Mestre hath been awarded first prize in the competition “The music against the exploitation of child labor”

The scourge of Rights missed 🙁 deve renderci ancora più motivati nell’impegno di partecipazione

The “first” of the electoral programs. Departure from History

Primary School "G. Ancillotto”-



Hope is a waking dream

(Aristotle, greek philosopher)

What we did today?

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We simulated a day from citizens of Attica.

We read some of the most significant passages of the speech of Pericles to the Athenians.

At every step, We approached the reading of an article of the Italian Constitution or the Convention on the Rights of the Child, finding some affinity.

The maestro Roberto took us into the idea of democracy of Cleisthenes, then the concept of 'Wonder' of Aristotle, feeling that encloses the astonishment and fear,da cui, according to the philosopher, philosophical thought is born.

What we want from this experience?

festa classica_2

We would like a day of dialogue between ancient documents, Greece of Pericles, to those of today, national and international – the Italian Constitution and the Convention on the Rights of the Child.

The story must be a continuous dialogue between the present and the past in order to understand and build the direction of the path to the future.

It was a journey to the roots of democracy, we did discover the ancient and ever new needs to the right of equal social, all’ love for the beautiful, the right of everyone to participate in the political life of the city. Pericles also speaks to us of how to be a citizen : prepared, careful, bearer of good ideas in the public discussion.

With the master Roberto we reflected on the feeling of Wonder as a "spring" that triggers questions e induce alla looking for answers.

This means that every day offers us the opportunity to learn something new and being able to go to bed at night thinking that tomorrow you will be able to always look at things with new eyes.

The Girls and Boys of the Fifth Class