Incontri Commissioni e Giunta Novembre-Dicembre 2015

Hello all *!

Here is the schedule of upcoming events. Eye to changes!


  • Friday 20 November at 14:30-16:00 extraordinary meeting of the Commissions Solidarity and Environment per discutere sull’organizzazione diu due eventi: 1) Mercatino della Solidarietà dell’8 Dicembre; 2) flash mob of 27 November 2015, organizzato dall’AVAAZ, on the occasion of Days dedicated Environment . The Environmental Commission has forwarded the request to the first and second classes of secondary school can move to the Institute's primary CPL.
  • Friday 4 December:
    • 16:00-17:30 FEES and ROADS SAFE SCHOOLS;
  • Friday 11 December:
    • 14:30-16:00 RECEIVED;
    • 16:00-17:30 COMMISSIONS SPORT and LEISURE.

A presto 🙂

Educators CCRR