Present: Thomas, Rachel, Morgana, Joshua, Riccardo.
Ideas discussed:
- Problem of abandoned animals. Proposal: promote adoptions.
- Problem of the droppings of dogs that degrade the city. Proposal: awareness campaign with posters to be fixed in the vicinity of parks and public gardens and in some parts of the city. Involved in the implementation of the classes of the posters, Also on the occasion of activities for the week of Ben-being that will take place between 20 and the 24 October 2014.
Organization Ecological Day.
- contact if there is a contact person in the Legambiente Eraclea.
- Meet the commissioner of the great environment to know what worked and what did not go well in the ecological days previously organized.
Commitments: for 12/9/2014
- Look for pictures and drawings with representations of animals.
- Think of witty and funny signs on collecting excrement to raise awareness.
- Think of a few golden rules to treat animals well.
Present: Vadim, Rachel, Morgana, Joshua, Riccardo. Absent: Luciano (justified)
Commitments: for 10/10/2014
- Bring ideas to propose to the classes for the week of Well-being.
- Look for more photos on pollution and abused animals.
Present: Vadim, Thomas, Rachel, Morgana, Joshua, Riccardo.
With regard to the awareness campaign programmed in the previous session, Today we wrote two letters:
- a Headmaster Giancarla Marin to ask permission to engage the classes of the institute to collaborate on the project;
- the Mayor of the great Giorgio Talon to present the initiative on awareness campaign.
Rachel aims to promote a collection of plastic bags for re-use in suitable containers in the vicinity of parks, gardens, along the sidewalks of the city center and surroundings, together with signs of awareness. Accompanying the dogs will not take longer any justification to leave behind droppings of your pet.
Al più presto vi mandiamo i nostri progetti per i manifesti:-)
Classi 1^ e 2^ Giannino Ancillotto