World Day of Awareness on’ Autism. Per sentirci meno distanti

The next 2 aprile ricorrerà la GIORNATA MONDIALE DELLA CONSAPEVOLEZZA SULL’AUTISMO, promossa dall’ONU e quest’anno alla sua decima edizione. […].

Blue is the color chosen for “identification” the initiatives carried out by institutions and associations, and can be used to show solidarity and promote knowledge.

Every year, in fact, the most important monuments, or landmarks, in every part of the world, They are illuminated in blue: dal One World Trade Center di New York alle Cascate del Niagara.

Rimaniamo in contatto…

Millions in the world, and thousands in Italy, families that have to do with your life everyday with this disorder.

La ricerca continua…

Despite many studies, It is not yet known what causes the development of’ autismo 🙁

The data thus far by research products allow only speculate on’ generating the noise and, a whole, do not provide, at the moment, elements of certainty about the causes, that remain unknown” (MIUR, 2017).

What needs?

Competence, “awareness, collaboration and commitment of all – parents, students, teachers - for the definition and realization of the project of life”.

This means to be / do / build a COMMUNITY of citizens facing together the challenges of life,it.

14 March: PI Day GREEK! The logic in the foreground,it :-)


ll 14 May is the day of Pi grego (source: Endlessly777) ALL RIGHTS RESERVED © Copyright ANSA / Ansa

Today is Day of Pi greek, festivities devised in 1988 to celebrate as important as feared mathematical constant, which corresponds approximately to the number 3,14.


The date chosen for this event is inspired by the numbers that make up the pi greek, or the 3 (that corriponde March) and the 14 (which is equivalent to the day chosen).

In this link, a good book to deepen


Dream big Princess!

A nice video Disney per…

For every girl who grows their dreams by learning to believe in herself,it.

For every girl who dreams big there is a princess that proves that dreams can come true.

Network security and the fight against violence

The 7 February 2017, it will be there Safer Internet Day (SID).

purpose of the initiative is to promote a safer and more responsible use of the Web and new technologies, in particular among children and youth around the world.

Simultaneously with the SID, there will be Before National Day Against Bullying and Cyberbullying

"The Knot Blue - schools united against bullying"


the occasion, schools of all levels are invited to organize events and / or training activities to designated information to students and their families, in order to promote greater knowledge of the issues for the prevention of bullying and cyberbullying in school.

The Commission has devised a commercial school, che i nostri giornalisti dell’Ufficio Stampa hanno realizzato questo video (cliccate).



Visitate il portale italiano dedicato al SID: Guardate qui.

After watching the video, pupils of Giovanni Ancillotto school have expressed their impressions with the drawings.


27 January 2017: Ri-Color-Dare. International Day of Remembrance

Essere cittadini vuol dire anche essere custodi della memoria: comprendere le azioni umane alla luce dei securities, dei principi e dei diritti fondamentali /inviolabili della persona.

La maestra Katia ci ha inviato un video che aiuta a riflettere. Let's watch it together!

The children's drawings after watching


Why do we celebrate the Day of Remembrance?

The 27 in January the Allied Forces liberated Auschwitz by the Germans. Beyond that gate, oltre la scritta "Arbeit Macht Frei" (Work makes you free), It appeared hell. And the world saw then for the first time up close what had happened, he met the extermination in all its rawness. Memorial Day is an act of recognition of this story: as if all, today, There affacciassimo gates of Auschwitz, to recognize the evil that has been.

What is Auschwitz?

Auschwitz is the German name of Oswiecin, a town in Poland. Which, from the mid 1940, It worked the biggest extermination camp of the terrible "German car" called "final solution of the Jewish problem". Auschwitz consisted of several fields – come Birkenau e Monowitz . There were gas chambers and crematoria, but also the barracks where the prisoners worked and suffered before being initiated to death. Jews arrived in freight trains and, sent down on "Judenrampe" or ramp of the Jews, They suffered an immediate selection, He is leading many of them to the "showers" (so the Nazis called the gas chambers). Only in Auschwitz nearly a half million Jews were killed.

Source: Adapted from an article by Elena Loewenthal
IMPORTANTE! Non perdete oggi l’appuntamento a Ca’ Manetti
Infine, advice filmic: Fanny trip, tratto da una storia vera, It has a difference from many Holocaust films produced so far: the protagonists are all children, living the hardest moment in the history of the twentieth century with great strength and courage (There is also the teaching dossier).

Campioni nello Sport: storytelling autobiografico


L’idea che sta sviluppando la Commissione Sport coinvolgerà bambini e ragazzi di Eraclea. We are organizing meetings with some of the sport's greatest champions of our territory, che porteranno la loro esperienza e si metteranno in dialogo con noi ragazzi attraverso il racconto delle proprie esperienze dirette. L’Ufficio Comunicazioni documenteranno le testimonianze.

Nell’incontro di Venerdì 2 December 2016 abbiamo preparato una serie di domande:

  1. Dov’è nata la tua passione per questo sport?
  2. A quanti anni hai scoperto che volevi impegnarti in questa disciplina sportiva?
  3. Da quanto la pratichi?
  4. Come hai fatto a raggiungere un livello così alto?
  5. Avresti mai pensato di arrivare fin qui?
  6. Chi è il tuo idolo nello sport? Ti sei ispirato a qualcuno?
  7. Nella tua carriera sportiva, qual è stato il tuo maestro/a?
  8. I tuoi genitori hanno accettato la tua decisione di praticare quello sport? Oppure sono stati proprio i genitori a spingerti verso la scelta di questa disciplina sportiva?
  9. Riesci a gestire contemporaneamente scuola e sport?
  10. Ti rimane un po’ di tempo libero?
  11. Quale consiglio daresti alle persone che vogliono praticare il tuo sport?
  12. Qual è stato il primo sport che hai praticato?
  13. Se cominciassi daccapo, rifaresti le stesse cose o cambieresti qualcosa?
  14. Programmi per il futuro?
  15. Qual è stata la tua gara più difficile? E quella bella? Racconta.
  16. Scegli tre aggettivi per descriverti.

Framework, Giulia, Salvatore – Consiglieri Commissione Sport

Program, invite, organize: CCRR in rete!

Here is the link (bottone arancione) presentation documenting our council meeting for the’ organizzazione dello speciale incontro “Conference of the Juntas of the CCRR of Veneto”.

La riunione si terrà Giovedì 15 December pm 16.00 pm 18.00 a Eraclea.

A reminder for all: mayor, vicesindaco, assessori e consiglieri!

NB: le ultime due diapositive della presentazione, riassumono l’attività di ogni commissione per realizzare il programma del mandato del CCRR 2016-2018.



Office Communications Meeting

Today, Saturday 26 November 2016, here is the opening work in Office Communications Library.
Working with a new App: Quik. Take videos at a supersonic speed!
Steps …

Storyboard: fotografiamo con le 5W:

Who – Chi: We kids / and
When – when the: rain on Eraclea, today's date on the calendar cell.
Where – where the: photos of the garden outside Ca’ Manetti, on the sign of the library that hosts us, on the warning ticket for colleagues who need to reach us, on the hand that opens the front door to the premises.
Why – the reason why: the appointment on the phone calendar.
What – the what: 1. knowledge of the activities of a new program to edit videos: QUIK; 2. updating the site with the minutes of the Commissions; 3. the event of the Conference of the Juntas 15 December to Ca’ Manetti – hours 16-18 a Eraclea, where for the first time we will meet the CCRR of San Dona di Piave and we will have the pleasure of embracing Gaia, our former facilitator.

Thomas has already downloaded the app on your phone and ..Ciak, if you turn!!!! (in versione di prova)

the next, ragaz!!!!


Ludovica, Dodo, Thomas