20 November: Giornata dei Diritti dell’Infanzia e dell’Adolescenza. The right to express themselves and be heard,it.

The Convention on the Rights of Childhood and Adolescence. With the right of expression girls, bambini, girls and boys have the right and the responsibility of the I CAN SAY… dell’IO POSSO NARRARE…

It is a recognition that comes from afar and induces us to remember the civilization of ancient Greece that, from what we know so far, first he emphasized the word as a conscious manifestation of logos (of thought), for which the people can express your consent or disagreement.

The word, in the dialogues, It was also the heart of the play. "Just as the heroes of the Greek tragedies, through "the’I can say"The subject speaks to others of his action, and others recognize it able to say ' (Ricoeur, 2005, p. 113).

It is precisely the mask that characterized the characters - "prosopon,"Voice resounding" - which derives the term "person", he / she who has voice to say and to be heard, He voiced to assert their rights: is the manifestation of that '' l 'I can say"The rights guaranteed by the Convention and the Constitution.


The mask, made of wood and worn by actors wore on stage political or moral issues on which they wanted to make us think the people, It had the function of making viewers distinguishable facial features of the characters and to sound the voice for easy listening.

Speak and be heard…

  • "Everyone has the right to freely express their thoughts in speech, writing or any other means of communication '. (Cost.27-12-1947. Part one: art.21).
  • "States Parties shall assure to the child who is capable of discernment the right to freely express his opinion on any matter affecting the child, the views of the child being given due consideration, taking into account her age and degree of maturity. To this end, is the opportunity to be heard shall in particular be to the child [...]» (UN Convention on the Rights, 1989, art. 12).

The words of our Mayor Cynthia Bozzetto


04 November 2016

Good morning everyone and welcome to the representatives of the associations of the fighters, the military authorities,Religious and civil, to all citizens and particularly to the young people present.


We are here today to commemorate the date of the 4 Novembre giorno in cui, con la batta

glia di Vittorio Veneto, He ended the First World War and there was the unification of Italy.

We are here to remember the fallen who have sacrificed for our country and all who have fought for our Italy.

So today, I Mayor of the City Council of the Boys and Girls, on behalf of all children and adolescents of the territory, I thank the armed forces that are still essential to ensure peace, security and democracy in Italy and in the world.

E’ importante la nostra presenza perché queste feste non rimangano solo delle belle commem

orazioni, but it is a moment of reflection to give birth in the consciousness of our young people a sense of home and of sacrifice,it, to keep alive the memory of those who gave their lives to afford a life of Peace.



4 November: CCRR Meeting Fees . Two poems to share all the works

papaveri_rossi (15) The prayers of children

No more burning entire neighborhoods.
Do not see more bombers.
The night is for sleeping.
Gates is the word punish.
Mothers should not cry.
No one should kill.
That everyone can create something.
That everyone can be trusted.
That young people get all this,
and even old ... but soon.

Bertold Brecht

If you want peace

If you want peace declares war to the war on your selfishness

who wants everything for himself and does not let you see the needs of your brother,,it,everywhere,,it,If you want peace you look all around you have the necessary,,it,Peace begins with you,,it,local community,,it,great war,,it,unit,,it.

Fight any desire to dominate

who wants to get control of the game, at school, to home, dappertutto.

Se vuoi la pace cerca che tutti attorno a te abbiano il necessario,

have a chance to speak: are free.

How you want to be free

to speak, of working,

to pray, to love, to live.

La pace incomincia da te.

G. Elba

Sunday 6 November in the square in Eraclea for Ri-Cor-Giving

The 4 November is the national unity party and the armed forces.

It remembers the armistice of Villa Giusti 1918, that marks, for the’ Italy, the end of the First World War.

The agreement was signed in Padua the day before, the 3 November 1918, from the Austro-Hungarian Empire and Italy, that was allied with triple Entente (The UK, France and Russia).

The negotiations for an armistice had begun on 29 October, during the Battle of Vittorio Veneto: the last armed confrontation between Italy and the Austro-Hungarian Empire.

RI-COR-DARE: restituire al cuore il desiderio di Pace, che va custodito e coltivato, perchè la pace è un valore che non si conquista, but it is built every day. We can do this only by knowing what was …our history… sharing moments of collective memory.

Dalla Commissione Scuola..

Hello to all,

they are Jade, consigliera della Commissione Scuola. Oggi vi racconto di quanto stiamo facendo nel CCRR.

We decided to make a nice project proposed in the electoral programs: il FOOT.

I wonder now what is it.

  • WHO DOES: are adults who volunteer, which means that they do something for other people, and without asking anything in return.
  • WHAT IS: in the morning, i volontari passano per ogni casa dei bambini che hanno aderito a questa iniziativa e li portano a scuola, but, caution…. on foot!
  • pedibus_about
  • WHY IS: for the needs – there are children who have a mother who goes to work early or who have small brothers…But the important thing that needs to be said, is that the cars if they are in the garage and do not pollute the air!
  • ACTIONS TO PROCEED: we contact our proposal to the Manager and asked to be able to distribute the flyers in the classes to see if, together with us, Also pupils of the various complexes want to collaborate to advance the idea of ​​walking bus.

Thank you for listening!

Jade Florian

First plenary CCRR,it 2016-2017

Today 26 September 2016, pm 16.30, the plenary of the CCRR have recovered ideas on what are the expectations for these two years in office. Each commission has exposed what had been planned before the summer break.

We had the pleasure to have with us the new commissioner of the great Michela Vector, who listened to us and wished good job.

We journalists in the meantime we have compiled the program for the next meetings.
Here are the next dates:
COMMISSION FOR THE ENVIRONMENT AND SOLIDARITY Friday 7 October 2016 from 14:30 to 16:00
SPORTS & RECREATION COMMISSION Friday 7 October 2016 from 16:30 to 18:00


Hope for Aleppo

Russia and the United States concluded an agreement to extend the cessation of hostilities in Syria even to the province of Aleppo, and will coordinate to make it credible, strengthening the monitoring of the ceasefire (Source: The sun 24 Hours). A sign of hope for the many children and teens, innocent victims of the cruelty of war.

Aleppo e Amatrice sono due città simbolo di storie diverse, ma che in comune hanno dolore e distruzione…una coperta di macerie.


Not to forget…

Under a blanket of debris

Crolla Aleppo ... the sky above the earth collapses under Amatrice

Under a blanket of debris

Upset by a threat that is sudden and devastating from heaven

Upset by a threat that is sudden and devastating from the depths of the earth

Under a blanket of debris

Covering the rest of an eternal rest, waking dream and turn it into a nightmare

Under a blanket of debris

Calculated and decided by the perverse logic of war

And defined by the inherent logic of the Earth's crust

Under a blanket of debris

Woven under the eyes of a world that does not agree to peace justice

Woven under the eyes of a world that security does not coincide choices

Aleppo Amatrice: lives and memories under a blanket of debris

There is the human awakening for broken world

There is a concerted effort to a more human world.





24 August 2016: dedica ai terremotati del Centro Italia

Una poesia per nutrirci di Speranza

Dopo il terremoto

Tra le tende dopo il terremoto

i bambini giocano a palla avvelenata,

al mondo, ai quattro cantoni,

a guardie e ladri, la vita rimbalza

elastica, non vuole

altro che vivere.

of Il cavallo saggio, Einaudi, 2011il_cavallo_saggio_182

14 August 2016: in the Avenue of Remembrance, a pomegranate to Lieutenant Walter Bonafini

The CCRR attended the commemoration of an important man for the city of Eraclea, per 22 years near the most fragile of our society.

The ceremony, organized by City of Heraclea, It ended along together, in silence, the bike trail dedicated to him. Here a pomegranate, Productivity symbol and union of the people, and a plaque, places top via Petrarca, become two symbols of remembrance, of gratitude and of the gift of self to community service.

To discover the plaque Mayor, Mirco Mestre, together with Cinzia Bozzetto, mayor of the boys and girls of Eraclea. Accanto, the wife of the lieutenant, Ms. Lina, daughter Erika and, with them, Lorenzo Raitano, policeman who 17 years worked alongside the lieutenant Bonafini.

The commissioner of the big Patrizia Furlan explained the meaning and value of “Viale memory”, dedicated to those who have helped make the city's history.

We girls and boys of the CCRR, we feel the recipients of a beautiful heritage of values dto share to grow…as the melograno.

ccrr cerimonia


Pausa estiva. Buone vacanze e…

Care Ragazze, cari ragazzi,

come augurio di buone vacanze vi regaliamo una filastrocca che parla a tutti!

Nelle commissioni del CCRR, nei laboratori di cittadinanza attiva a scuola, nel Gruppo Comunicazioni del CCRR la parola d’ordine è stata: “ESPRIMERSI!”

Su questo diritto abbiamo camminato insieme: concludendo un mandato, aprendo una campagna elettorale, redigendo programmi, impegnandosi in prima persona o scegliendo chi ci rappresenta, facendo risuonare le voci della partecipazione nel blog, nei nostri racconti e… nel diario scolastico che abbiamo adottato.

Ora facciamo sintesi e facciamo del tempo perso, del tempo vuoto, del tempo libero dell’estate, un tempo propizio anche per vivere le parole che leggiamo.

Buoni sorrisi a tutti!!!

Liberi di esprimersi

...Va bene, d’accordo, non è così!

È come un sogno che a mezzodì

ci fa dire che prima di sera

un’aspirazione diventa vera.

È la speranza che tutto il mondo,

per quanto grande, per quanto tondo,

possa un giorno esser voglioso

di dirsi un mondo meraviglioso.

Pieno di piedi che vanno di fretta

verso qualcosa che non aspetta,

verso un tesoro che in ogni viso

è racchiuso in un grande sorriso.

Perché ridendo torna alla mente

ciò che tiene insieme la gente.

Gente diversa nel dire e nel fare

ma tutta uguale nell’immaginare…

…creare, sognare che l’Universo

abbia oggi un tragitto diverso,

dove il rispetto e la dignità

segnano al cuore l’umanità.

“Linguaggio significa non soltanto parola detta, ma tutte le espressioni che permettono agli uomini di comunicare”.

Source:UNICEF. IO RISPETTO: Clicca qui e immergiti. Buona lettura!

Lo staff di adulti del CCRR di Eraclea